Congratulations to Sushma Vijaya Baskaran, of High Wycombe, for passing her driving test at the first attempt. Good luck for the future Sushma, from your instructor Abid and all the team.
Congratulations to Maxwell Boateng of High Wycombe for passing his driving test. Good luck for the future Maxwell from your instructor Abid and all the team.
Congratulations to Daniel Cliff who passed his driving test first time at High Wycombe Driving Test Centre. Good luck for the future Daniel from your instructor Abid and all the team.
Congratulations to Chelsea Smith, of Downley, who passed her driving test first time. Good luck for the future Chelsea from your instructor Abid and all the team.
Congratulations to Elina Shaukat, who sailed through her driving test at High Wycombe Driving Test Centre. Elina, only picked up one minor fault during the test drive. Good luck for the future Elina from your instructor Abid and all the team.